Few things are more deceptive than the promise of pleasure that lust brings. While there might be pleasure for a brief time, inevitably it ends with pain and suffering. Adultery is one of those deceptions. Few people who commit adultery truly understand the far-reaching implications and consequences of their actions. Only after they have sinned do they begin to realize just how destructive adultery can be to their life—and no one is immune to its effects.
Illustrations: Jonathan Amerault, who had an affair with the wife of Armando Barron. In a fit of rage on account of Amerault committing adultery with his wife, Barron brutally assaulted and killed Amerault in vengeance.
Verses: Prov. 6:27-29, 32-35; Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:22
Teacher: Jerry Wierwille
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