Latest Episodes

Ep 78 - Weaponized Words (Prov. 12:18)
Words can be weapons! And that is exactly what they become in the mouth of a fool. Surely, we have all used our words...

Ep 77 - You Get What You Work For (Prov. 13:4)
We all want things in life, but sometimes we just don’t put forth the effort to achieve them. It is not a complicated principle...

Ep 76 - The Wise Get Wiser (Prov. 9:9)
Ever come across someone who thinks they know it all? Maybe we tend to think that we have got the answers at times. But...

Ep 75 - Never Give Up! (Prov. 24:16)
Everyone experiences tough times in life. Some tough times are really hard or filled with deep anguish, sorrow, and pain. But we are not...

Ep 74 - The Downfall of the Devil's Children (Prov. 6:14-15)
Sometimes we may think of people who do evil and benefit from it as the ones who end up winning in the end. But...

Ep 73 - Beware of the Devil's Children (Prov. 6:12-13)
The world is not a safe place because there are many people who are seeking to do evil to others. Individuals who have chosen...